At this stage we will sit together to discuss the present injury as well as your injury history. Occupation, hobbies & your past medical history will be discussed, answers given at this stage play an intricate part in building a patient profile. The more information given at this stage will allow us to tailor your rehab more personally to your daily routines.
At this stage a postural, gait, musculature, functional movements (e.g. Squat) analysis will be completed to identify asymmetries, loss in mobility or deformities currently present. Following this your Active and Passive movements will be assessed for; Range of Motion & Quality movement. Followed by Resisted movements for Strength Analysis highlighting power imbalance. Finally Special Tests which test specific joint structures. All of this is used to create a Differential Diagnosis.
Once the Subjective and Objective assessments are completed a discussion abut the result will be had to discuss the next course of action prior to proceeding with the best form of treatment whether Manual of Electrotherapy for an Efficient & Effective recovery.
A plan detailed plan will be made with you discussing the forms of treatment that will be used, Exercise Based Rehabilitation including a proposed timeline for recovery.